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Sunday, July 18, 2010

DIY- Proton Gen 2 Rear Light Bulb Replacement

Date 18/7/2010

Work: Change Rear Light Bulbs
1. Philips Screwdriver - 1 unit
2.Multimeter - 1 unit
3. Replacement bulb -  as required


1. Open up your car boot.
2. Remove the 2 screw at the rear light using philips screw driver

3. Remove the nut inside the car boot by hand.

4. Pull gently the light towards you. Note the locking snub on the right.

5. Remove the bulb socket from its slot by twisting it counter clock wise

6. Replace the burned bulb with a new one.
Note you can check the continuity of the bulb terminal to ensure the bulb is faulty. No continuity means the filament is broken. 
The replacement can be found at any auto accessory or spare part shop on the cheap. Bring along the defective bulb and show them if you not sure what to get.
7. Put back the bulb socket into the slot and lock it by twist it clock wise.

Additional information if you need to trouble shoot:

Wiring Colour Code:
Black - Common (ground)
Red/Blue- Reverse indicator
Green/Black - Signal indicator
Green/White - Red light
Green - Brake light indicator

 Note: 12Vdc will be supply through this connection if respecting indicator is activated.

Socket connection position


  1. how does locking snub come off.

    1. I would love to know this too...two years later! I don't suppose you ever worked out how to get the lamp fitting out did you?
